Welcome to our getting started page. I will provide a step by step introduction on how to use this plugin. I will only cover the new schematic set syntax here, since the legacy syntax is harder to understand.
Our Schematics
Our first Schematic Brush
But what if I want to have more than one schematic?
But i don't want to write every single schematic by myself.
Schematic Sets and Flags.
Advanced Selectors
Brush flags
Modify your brush
How to save Schematic Sets as Presets
To install schematic brush reborn just download the latest version from the releases or from spigot. We would also appreciate a review there if you like our work. Otherwise provide us some feedback via the discussion to make this plugin better to use.
After downloading drop the plugin into your plugin folder and make sure that you have FAWE or WorldEdit installed. Now just restart your server.
To get this plugin running is very easy. Everything is pre configured. The plugin loads schematics from your FAWE and WorldEdit folder if they exist. We also create a schematic folder inside schematic brush, which you can use as well. In the end it doesn't matter where you store your schematics. You can even add new folders to load from in the config.
If you have equal directory names inside your schematic directories we suggest to set pathSourceAsPrefix: true
to keep them separated. Otherwise we will merge them internally. If you set this to true you will first select the directory of your source.
Eg.: You have a tree
folder in your FAWE and WorldEdit directory you have to select them by typing fawe/tree
or we/tree
If you have operator permissions you can already use this plugin. Otherwise you will need the schematicbrush.brush.use
permission to start using schematic brush. Maybe you also want schematicbrush.preset.*
to create and modify presets ( We will cover this here later).
To reload this plugin you will also need the schematicbrush.admin.*
permission. An overview over all permissions can be found here
For the tutorial we assume that we have 12 schematics in two sub folders in one of our schematic directories.
We have the acacia/
folder which contains these schematics:
And we have the oak/
folder which contains these schematics:
Because we are a not so organized we have two schematics directly in our folder with the names:
, small_tree
If you have a space in your schematic or folder name, it will be converted to a _
Lets start with a simple brush. We want to paste our large_tree
schematic. I will use the sbr
command alias for this tutorial.
So we take our tool of desire (I mostly use the iron tools, but this doesn't matter) and simply type this command:
/sbr "large_tree"
So what did we do here? We defined a schematic set inside the "
with one explicit schematic.
That's a good question. A brush can contain more than one schematic of course. To add more we have several ways:
We can define a new brush with two schematic sets:
/sbr "large_tree" "oak_1"
Now we added another schematic set with one schematic each. So we paste one of these schematics now.
The other way is the modify command:
/sbrm append "oak_1"
This adds the schematic set with "oak_1" to our currently equipped brush. Of course a brush can contain as many schematic sets as you want.
I thought so too. That's why you can add a wildcard to a name. Lets discard our current brush by typing /br none
and make a fresh start.
We want a brush with all our oak trees. Lucky for us we named them all the same with a number at the end. To select them we just have to select every schematic which starts with oak_
. We can do this by typing:
/sbr "oak_*"
And that's all. We selected our four oak schematics. But what if I tell you, that you can make 48 different trees from this 4 trees. Sound good right? Go ahead!
What we did in the last chapter was creating a schematic set with a so called "selector". The selector is always the first part when creating a schematic set. I think we managed this quite good.
Now we want a bit more diversity with our four schematics. To make 48 different trees out of our 4 trees we can rotate them and flip them. For this we need some so called flags in our schematic set. Lets start with a random rotation of these 4 trees. This will create 4*4 different trees.
/sbr "oak_* -rotation:random"
Now we created a schematic set with our 4 oak trees. Every time we paste them, they will be rotated by 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees. Instead of the random you can rotate them by a explicit value too.
Now we can flip them too. This will increase the 16 trees again to 48. We do this in the same way like we did before for the rotation. We just have to apply a flip flag too.
/sbr "oak_* -rotation:random -flip:random"
Now we created a new schematic set with our 4 oak trees but we rotate them in our four direction and flip them in three (None, North, East) random directions.
Okay. I think we managed this. Now we want to create a forest with 75% oak trees and 25% acacia trees. For this we need to define two schematic sets again:
/sbr "oak_*" "acacia_*"
But now we have a ratio of 50/50. So we want to add a weight to the schematic sets. For this we need the weight flag.
/sbr "oak_* -weight:75" "acacia_* -weight:25"
Now 75% of the trees we place will be oak trees and 25% acacia trees.
Of course you can add the schematic and flip flags here too. because this is a lot to write now I tell you, that each flag has a short form. Instead of the full name, the first letter is enough and instead of random you can use a *
. So if you want to use your 4 acacia and oak trees at a 75/25 ratio with a random rotation and a random flip the command would look like this:
/sbr "oak_* -r:* -f:* -w:75" "acacia_* -r:* -f:* -w:25"
The order of the flag doesn't matter. So I hope that you could follow me to this point, because we are just starting.
You already know one selector. The name selector.
The name selector allows you to select a schematic or all schematics which are starting with a sequence. But there is of course more. Schematic Brush features four different selectors. I will introduce you to the missing three now.
If you are familiar with regex you can use a regex instead of the simple name to select schematics. If you are not familiar, I suggest you this site.
To use a regular expression you have to use a regex selector. The regex selector looks like this: /sbr "regex:oak_.*"
This regex is the same as the name selector with oak_*
. But of course you can use pattern which are more complex.
If you don't want to type "regex" every time this will do the job too:
/sbr "r:oak_.*"
Like I told you at the beginning we have sorted the most of our schematics inside direcotries. It would be a shame if we can't just select the schematics inside the directory and of course we can do this.
/sbr "dir:acacia"
Now we select all schematics inside the acacia directory.
Now lets assume, that the acacia
and oak
folder are inside a tree directory. Their path are now tree/acacia
and tree/oak
. Now we can select all schematics from all directories inside the tree directory by using a wildcard. I will also use the short directory selector here and write "d" instead of "dir"
/sbr "d:tree/*"
That's it. now we have a schematic set with all schematics inside the tree
Later, I will show you how you can save your schematic sets as a preset to load them in an instant. You can use one or more presets in a brush. If you load a preset schematic set all flags for this set you set will be ignored. You will learn why in the preset chapter. So I assume, that I saved the schematic sets of the last brush with the preset name trees
and want to use it now.
/sbr "preset:trees"
Now we load all schematic sets inside this preset and assign it so our brush. And that's it we have the same schematic sets like we saved before.
Of course there is a short version too and we can just type:
/sbr "p:trees"
To change the general behavior of a brush you can use brush flags. You can add a offset with them, change the placement method or decide what should be replaced when you paste a schematic.
To get a introduction into brush flag please look here.
After creating a brush you can change everything. This is done by the modify command. I will use the sbrm
alias here. You already saw the append command in a previous chapter. So we will start with this one.
You can append a schematic set to your current brush by using: /sbrm append <schematic set>
You can add every type of schematic set even a preset to a current brush.
Of course you can add multiple schematic sets in one command.
Reload If you added new schematics which match your current brush you can reload the schematics inside your brush. New added schematics can take up to 60 seconds until they can be used by schematic brush.
/sbrm reload
Info If you forgot which schematics sets you have in your brush use the info command to get information about your brush. /sbrm info
If you added a schematic set which you don't want anymore in your brush you can remove it. To remove a brush you need its id which you can see with the info command.
/sbrm remove <id>
The edit command is a combination of remove and append. You can remove a schematic set and add a new one. In this case you can only add one new schematic set.
/sbrm edit <id> <schematic set>
If you like the schematics in your current brush you probably want to save it for later. To do this we created presets. You saw them earlier as a selector for a schematic set. A preset can store one or more schematic sets with its flags. Notice here, that only the schematic set flags will be saved and not the brush flags. This is because you can combine multiple presets to one brush.
Everyone who can use a schematic brush can load presets.
In this section I will use the sbrp
alias of the schematicbrushpreset command
Save Current
The easiest way to create a preset is by simply saving the brush you are holding.
To do this you just need to set a preset name:
/sbrp savecurrent <name of preset>
Now your schematic sets are saved and you can load them any time.
Of course you can save a preset without creating its brush first. To do this you need to set a name and define one or more schematic sets:
/sbrp save <name of preset> <schematic sets...>
Description To know and tell others what this preset is for you can give it a description: /sbrp descr <description>
List To get a list of all presets use the info command: /sbrp list
Modify and manage presets Of course you can modify a preset after creation. This is documented here. If you came to this point you will totally understand how it works. Its very similiar to the brush modification command.
Good job! You made it to this point. Know you know everything about Schematic Brush. You can now call yourself a Schematic Brush Pro!